End of an Era for Papeterie St-Armand

End Of An Era For Papeterie St-Armand

The end of an era for lifetime award winning indie paper mill Papeterie St-Armand.

I've known David and Denise for nearly 2 decades.

From my first tour of their mill in 2008 during a neighbourhood-wide open studio tour, to being an apprentice with them for a summer refining my eye for imperfections, colour variations, thickness, paper making, and handling, becoming a wholesale client, and as a colleague in the book arts, paper making, and artistic community.

I've known this change was coming. Yet still have a tear in my eye for what we've all been lucky to experience through their innovative and impactful work.

For more information see the CBC profile

A cotton branch laid atop handmade cotton rag paper
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